This R package implements an ODE-based model of the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. It presents a simulator and likelihood function assuming Poisson-distributed increments in the number of new cases in Wuhan, in the rest of China via the airline network, and to the rest of the world.
Data required:
daily case reports in all Chinese cities (seedata(package='wuhan')
daily case reports from other countries (seedata(package='wuhan')
daily numbers of passengers going between cities in China via airline network, available from OAG Traffic AnalyzerW
daily numbers of passengers going between Chinese cities and other countries via airline network, available from OAG Traffic Analyzerchina_population
the population size in each Chinese city (seedata(package='wuhan')
the human-human basic transmission rategamma
the removal rate (inverse of infectious period)I0W
the number of initial infectives in Wuhanphi
the case ascertainment rate in Wuhan
To use the package, assume the following workflow in R:
# Load required packages
> install.packages('devtools')
> devtools::install_git('')
> library(wuhan)
# Instantiate ODE model, simulate up to day 22.
> simulator = NetworkODEModel(N=china_population, K=K, init_loc='Wuhan', alpha=1/4, max_t=22)
# Instantiate LogLikelihood function
> llik = LogLikelihood(y=china_cases[,1:22], z=world_cases[,1:22], N=N, K=K, W=W, sim_fun=simulator)
# Find MLEs using optimisation
> par_init = c(0.4, 0.142857142857143, 1, 0.5) # Starting point
> fit = optim(log(par_init), llik, control=list(fnscale=-1))
> p_hat = fit$par
Asymptotic assumptions for confidence intervals fail in our case, since the
parameter space is highly non-orthogonal. Confidence intervals are therefore
calculated using parametric bootstrap. p_hat
is calculated on the log scale (logit scale
for the phi
parameter), so needs to be transformed first:
> p_hat[1:3] = exp(p_hat[1:3])
> p_hat[4] = invlogit(p_hat[4])
The samples can then be drawn by bootstrap, for which a computing cluster is highly recommended (thanks Lancaster University HEC facility!).
> samples = bootstrap(p_hat, K, W, alpha=1/4, max_t=22, n_samples=1000)
Since the airline connectivity matrices are not included in this package, samples
from the parameters (for 4 different values of the latent period data(package='wuhan')