TIME is a web application that show multiple visual analysis such as words trends, topic modeling, temporal analysis, and information spreading based on pre-defined cross-lingual data sets. Here is the link to visit visual analysis of multiple data sets.
- English
- Slovene
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- German
It has the following UI functionalities:
- Data Sets tab show statistics about our all datasets;
- Word trends tab presents most frequently appeared words and other connected information;
- Apart from topic modeling, third tab show contextual links and then important tags.
- Cross-lingual analysis depicts information propagation in form of news articles over time;
- Propagation Analysis tab shows how information is spreading and communities are being generated in cross-lingual settings;
- Caio Mello (ESR10)
- Daniela Major (ESR9)
- Gullal Singh (ESR7)
- Abdul Sittar (ESR12)
# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/cleopatra-itn/TIME.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
A dataset for Information Spreading over the news. To appear in SiKDD 2020.