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Raul edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Base Class

  • CBobject
  • CBsection



  • Project.UI.Data.Sections (Array)
  • Project.UI.targetcontent (String)
  • Project.UI.selected (Jquery)
  • Project.Actions (JSON)


  • Core
  • CBUtil

Structure Folder

|   |--- core
|   |--- images
|   |      |--- core.js 
|   |      |--- metadata.json
|   |      |--- lib 
|   |      |--- lib_external #Utilities used by the component (editor)
|   |      |--- i18n # Translations 
|   |--- text
|   |      |--- core.js 
|   |      |--- metadata.json
|   |      |--- lib          #Utilities used by the component (editor)
|   |      |--- lib_external #Utilities used by the component (editor) 
|   |      |--- i18n # Translations 
|   |--- questions           #interactive components
|   |      |--- queries
|   |              |--- ...
|   |      |--- truefalse
|   |      |--- multiselect
|   |      |--- imageselect
|   |      |--- ...
|   |--- media                #multimedia components
|   |      |--- audio
|   |      |      |--- lib           
|   |      |      |--- lib_external  #codecs or other utilities 
|   |      |--- video
|   |      |      |--- lib    
|   |      |      |--- lib_external  #codecs or other utilities 
|   |      |--- flash
|   |             |--- lib    
|   |             |--- lib_external  #codecs or other utilities 
|   |--- 3party                 #other components
|         |--- text
|         |--- media
|   |--- lib            #libraries created by the project
|   |     |--- core     # Core class 
|   |     |--- gui      # Class responsible of element UI (menu, i18n, etc)
|   |     |--- util     # Class files with utils
|   |--- lib_external   #External libraries used like "jquery"
/themes                 #Editor theme
|   |--- editor
|   |      |--- default
|   |             |--- css  # stile sheet for the frontend theme
|   |             |--- img  #images of the theme 
|   |--- books
|          |--- default
|                 |--- css
|                 |--- img
|   |--- default
|          |--- css
|          |--- img

Create Component

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