released this
15 Jul 14:10
New functionality and features
Upload mappings API
Restore API
ZIP (archive) generation and download API
Responsive breakpoints
Conditional transformations
Aspect ratio transformation parameter
Overlay and Underlay improvements. Support Line spacing, Letter spacing and Stroke in layer options.
Put the params in the body instead of URL query for 'POST' and 'PUT' API requests
Renamed the FontWeight parameter and added TextAlign keyword.
New User-Agent format (CloudinaryDotNet/vvv) and support of User-Platform parameter
Support of Invalidate flag for Explicit and Rename API
Allow passing ad-hoc parameters
Other Changes
.NetFramework 3.5 compatibility fixes
Fixed values of explicit HTML attributes in Image tags (with quotes)
Moved enums into designated files
fixed naming conventions and dedicated class for video layer
Modify Breakpoint test.
Replace test image
Disable Listing Direction test
simplification of the code
added additional asserts and improved asserts messages
moved strings to constants, fixed method namings
updated tests to match current version of the server software
removed dependencies to keep it a unit test
Extracted setup for UploadMapping test into designated file.
removed twitter dependencies due to twitter API limits
Add random number to public ID of upload test
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