MRPHS compiles PDVL code into SystemVerilog (MRPHS_D) code.
The project is still under construction !!!
The project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”).
Download the tool from github:
git clone
The Doxygen enhanced code overview can be found here:
In order to update the Doxygen based docu, go to MRPHS/v0.1/work and execute:
make doxygen
Go to MRPHS/v0.1/work and execute:
make MRPHS_D
The MRPHS_D.exe file can be found in the bin directory.
The following options apply to MRPHS_D:
-h, --help: Display this text and exit
-rl: Report level
-s: Source file (list)
-top: Top level name (optional)
-o: Output directory