This project is for generating MODIS CM using Blue Waters.
MODIS data: ~/scratch/data/MODIS/MOD021KM
Marble data (0.05 deg):
(1) Daily (.npz): ~/scratch/results/MODIS_ClimateMarble_005deg/daily (6 sub-folders) This dataset is stored by 6 categories, each of them is further sorted by each year from 2000 to 2015. and are used.
(2) Daily Mean (.npz): ~/scratch/results/MODIS_ClimateMarble_005deg/daily_mean (no sub-folder) This dataset is separated for 6 categories, each of them is further stored in 366 files (days). -> climate_marble_daily_mean(icat, iday) is used to process the daily (1) data.
(3) Monthly (.npz): ~/scratch/results/MODIS_ClimateMarble_005deg/monthly
(no sub-folder)
This dataset is separated for 5 categories (no SOLAR for now), each of them is further sorted by each month from 2000 to 2015. is used to process the daily (1) data.
(4) Monthly Mean (.npz): ~/scratch/results/MODIS_ClimateMarble_005deg/monthly_mean (no sub-folder) This dataset is separated for 5 categories (no SOLAR for now), each of them is further stored in 12 files (months). -> climate_marble_monthly_mean() is used to process the monthly (3) data.
(5) Monthly Mean (.nc): ~/scratch/results/MODIS_ClimateMarble_005deg/monthly_mean_nc (no sub-folder) This dataset is separated for 38 channels (38 files, no SOLAR for now). -> monthly_mean_rewrite_netCDF4(icat) is used to process the monthly mean (4) data.
(6) Moving Average (.npz): ~/scratch/results/MODIS_ClimateMarble_005deg/moving_average (3 sub-folders for 17-day, 31-day, and 41-day running window) The dataset is first separated for 3 running window, and then separated by band (17 bands for now). is used to process the daily mean (2) data.