- Version: 0.1
This visualization is running at http://openxcplatform.com/trace-analyzer/
If you have Python 2:
trace-analyzer/$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
and if you have Python 3:
trace-analyzer/$ python -m http.server
Gzip the trace locally:
$ gzip -9 trace.js
$ cp trace.js trace.js.bak
$ mv trace.js.gz trace.js
Using the s3cmd
$ s3cmd put trace.js s3://openxcplatform.com/traces/ -P \
--add-header "Content-Encoding: gzip"
Or, if you have the trace directory locally:
$ s3cmd sync traces s3://openxcplatform.com/traces/ -P \
--add-header "Content-Encoding: gzip"
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Ford Motor Company
Licensed under the BSD license.