This repository contains different incarnations and additions of the Palladio Component Model (PCM) based models of CoCoME.
PCM3.5/ CoCoME models compatible with PCM 3.5 PCM4.0/ CoCoME models compatible with PCM 4.0 Codeling/PCM PCM models of CoCoME as extracted by the tool Codeling SecurityModels/ Security models for CoCoME based on an PCM extension cocome-cloud-sale-process.bpusagemodel Usage model for the sale process, uses PCM 5.1 ??? cocome-cloud.datamodel cocome-cloud.repository component type declarations cocome-cloud.repository_diagram a not completely working diagram of the component types cocome-cloud.system architecure of the system cocome-cloud.system.composite_diagram architecture diagram cocome-cloud.system.alt.composite_diagram another viersion of the architecture diagram broken SEFF, should model a SEFF for pressControlKey in the Frontend org.cocome.tradingsystem.cashdeskline.cashdesk.BarcodeScanner.ProductBarcodeScannedEvent.seff_diagram event action for a scanned barcode org.cocome.tradingsystem.cashdeskline.cashdesk.CashDesk.SaleRegisteredEvent.seff_diagram event action for a registered sale ??? org.cocome.tradingsystem.cashdeskline.cashdesk.CashDesk.startSale.seff_diagram event action for start sale this README file you are currently reading reporting.composite_diagram shows the reporting component model tradingsystem.cashdeskline.composite_diagram shows the tradingsystem cashdeskline model diagram tradingsystem.inventory.application.composite_diagram the respective composite component the respective composite component web.cashdesk.composite_diagram shows the web services which relays the frontend to the tradingsystem web-frontend.composite_diagram shows the web frontend model web-inventory.composite_diagram shows the webservice inventory component model