- This is a Books, Users and Reservations mini project.
- Previous URL refer to http://www.ltvision.com.
- You could import postman script to test service endpoints.
- react-router
- create-react-app
- axios
Materail UI
- momentjs
- weui
- jssdk
- KOA 2.0
- koa-generator (default is 2.0 version with higher NodeJS version)
- koa-passport
- passport-jwt
- jsonwebtoken
- bcrypt
- mongoose
- MongoDB (NoSQL)
- 2019/4/27 (weekend)
- Study how to operate MongoDB. Understand collections, documents, .etc.
- Study KOA 2.0 and try koa-generator. And try to do by following a getting start guide.
- Init Github repo, VS code debug launch.json.
- Setup MongoDB on local and Tecent Cloud.
- Implement connect MongoDB in KOA project.
- 2019/4/28 (weekend)
- Study React concept.
- Try to create-react-app to create ui project.
- Try enable eslint, https, how to set proxy to access service endpoint.
- Try to use mongoose to operate MongoDB in service.
- 201/4/29 (working day)
- Use mongoose to implement user operation code.
- 2019/4/30 (working day)
- Use mongoose to implement books, reservation operation code.
- 2019/5/1 (holiday)
- Study passportJs.
- Try to use passportJs and passport-local, passport-jwt. There are many problems encoutered, e.g. authenticate() function can't access. For a long time to find solutions, and then know for KOA 2.0 should introduce koa-passport, not passport.
- 2019/5/2 (working day)
- Try to use passport-jwt, koa-jwt.
- Try to use jsonwebtoken library.
- Try to implement jwt verification logic by self-implement.
- 2019/5/3 (working day)
- Implement last restful apis, and use postman to test manually.
- 2019/5/4 (weekend)
- Study Recat, understand which is state, props, component, .etc.
- Try to follow a getting started to build simply a React Ui.
- Study what's Material UI.
- 2019/5/5 (weekend)
- Study and introduce axios.
- Implement SignIn/SignUp UI.
- Study react-router and follow the guide to practise in project.
- Implement BookList UI.
- 2019/5/6 (working day)
- Add dialogs in SignIn/SignUp UI.
- Add MyBorrowList UI.
- Add cancel my reservation function in service.
- 2019/5/7 (working day)
- Refine code.
- Introduce bcrypt to secret user password.
- When user logout, need to make the jwtToken lose effectiveness.
- 2019/7/6
- Introduce weui.
- Introduce wechat jssdk.
- Implement wechat authorization and redirect to main page.
- Adopt Nginx to Tencent Server (failed), can't redirect page. But serve(npm) could.
- Use serve start UI. (pm2)