Here is a short introduction to describe tiny URL website assignment which implemented by cocotao.
This serivce will supply a URL shorten service to customers. When customer type a valid URL to the service, the service will convert the URL to a short pattern URL and return it to customer. When customer try to access this short URL, it will redirect to original URL address in browser.
This service implemented by React in frontend and Express in backend, DB is MongoDB, nginx supplied proxy function from frontend to backend and supplied reverse-proxy function from customer access coded short URL in browser to backend for this service.
customer could convert an original URL to a short one and could access this short one to original URL in browser.
As a user, I want to input a valid URL and get a coded short URL from URL shorten service.
As a user, I want to input a invalid URL and get error response.
As a user, I want to access a coded short URL and then redirect to original URL in browser.
As a user, I want to get error response if exception happened in internal service.
Once original URL has been coded to a short URL, this short URL could not be changed.
Authentication and authorization haven't been enabled.
Multi-tenancy haven't been enabled.
User input sanitization haven't been enabled.
More documatation please see
The project make a reference from, thanks for the author!