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Developer test

In this repository you will find a very simplified version of the tech stack we use at Gamebook. Our tests focus specifically on the sign up form and how you connect it to Redux and GraphQl

API information...

We use GraphQl as our API, the relevant endpoints for this test are already implemented:

  • signUp (Mutation)
  • usernameExists (Query)

Further documentation about the endpoints is available in localhost:3000/graphql once you run the application

The test consists in 4 tasks, not all of them are relevant for the evaluation of your application, only complete the tasks you were indicated by email.

General Coding Principles

  • When refactoring base your solution on SOLID principles
  • Use a functional approach where applicable
  • Design components
  • Follow a clean naming convention and class format
  • Follow the one-class-per-file convention
  • Put comments where needed

Task 1: Implement rule based validation for the password field in the Signup form.

The validation for the password field should:

  • Validate the password field as the user inputs new data.
  • Display the list of validation rules that the field should meet.
  • Conditionally style each of the rules in the list based in the validation status for that rule.

Check the wireframe below for a detailed example:

pw: GamebookTechnology

Task 2: Implement async validation for the username field.

The validation for the username field should:

  • Validate the username field as the user inputs new data.
  • Get the validation status from the GraphQl endpoint usernameExists.
  • Use the GraphQl client that is already implemented (Optional, you can also use a different GraphQl client).

Task 3: Refactor the form as a component.

Implement a Form component that substitutes the current form implementation, it should:

  • Display form errors.
  • Display a user hint while loading.
  • Display the submit button.
  • Handle the submit event.

Task 4: Connect the component with the signup endpoint.

The solution should:

  • Send a request on submit to signup endpoint.
  • Use the GraphQl client that is already implemented (Required, this time is not optional).
  • Set status of the request in the Redux store.
  • Set errors from the API in the Redux store.
  • Read the state from the store.

gamebook-portal instructions


  • Latest Node LTS (v6.9.x)
  • NVM (strongly recommended but not a dependency)

Install system dependencies...

  1. Install NVM link
  2. Install Node nvm install 6.9 or go to node and grab latest Node version link

Install project dependencies...

  1. Navigate to the root of the project
  2. Run: npm install
  3. If you do not have webpack installed globally you will need it now npm install -g webpack


To run the server build watcher run npm run webpack, this will create a bundled application that includes both, server and client. This process will continue running waiting for code changes and then building a new application bundle accondingly. The generated file will be named compiled-server.js to execute this file npm run start this will start the web server and a new client build watcher that will inject the changes in the code directly to the client.


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