Pico CMS is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
It clean blog theme with references to Piet Mondrian (wiki) in style elements.
- https://imgur.com/Wmp7U1e - screenshot
- https://imgur.com/4yOqYeb - mobile screenshot
- https://imgur.com/5FK72FW - mobile screenshot with tags
- You can use shell script to deploy virtual machine with the theme and Pico CMS on Linode, DO, Vultr and other providers.
- Or see Pico CMS docs 3. After installation do not forget to change settings in config.yml site_title in the head, and custom settings in the end of config.yml
- Simple design. You can store your content in separate folders (see an example in the repo above), but all posts will be available by date
- Tags
- Five articles per page with pagination
- Search
- 100% valid for schema.org
- Responsive design
- Table of content (if you have more then 4 H2 elements)
Title: Four article
Description: Description of four article
Tags: tag,article,four
Template: post
Date: 2019-04-27
Cover: orange
Image: cat.jpg
- Cover is color or image or even color and image an example blue url(../assets/cat.jpg) for the cover of post in index page. You can use HEX as you want.
- Image is your article image. It's optional
Brice Boucard for pagination and some ideas Pontus Horn for search and updates and all contributors and plugin authors of Pico CMS
- If you create folder, don't forget to create index.md with head:
Title: Folder name
Template: index
Level: top
- All images for cover\image should be stored in assets
- Plugins: PicoSearch; mcb_TableOfContent; PicoTags;