This is a generic, platform inderpendent, bit-bang uart driver. Currently, only the uart reciever is implemented and the uart transmitter will hopefully be added soon.
The main program uses a timer interrupt to sample the incoming uart signal. It is recommend that you oversample the incoming uart signal by a factor of 3. (i.e. there are 3 interrupts per bit sent).
##Finding and syncing up with the start of a uart packet. The uart driver has no way of knowing if it is starting to read the incoming signal halfway through the frame that is being sent.
However it will resync up with the start of a new packet if no data is sent for at least the duration of one packet.
include the and build the files
struct uart_rx_dev rx_dev;
/* this is called when a whole byte has been recieved.
* it is up to you, the user, to check that the parity bit is correct for the recieved byte
* and to process/store the recieved byte.
void uart_rx_received_data(uint8_t byte, int32_t parity_bit){
//check process and store the byte.
/* This is a wrapper function that allows the uart to read the pin that it is
* watching without having to worry about the underlying architecture.
uint32_t read_uart_rx_pin(void){
//An example pin read could look like this STM32 example.
//return HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_1);
return pin_value;
* This is the timer interrupt that is called 3 times per bit that is sent.
* i.e. 3 times the baud rate.
void timer_interrupt_function(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim)
//call the uart's interupt handler.
int main(){
//setup timers, interrupts and i/o stuff first.
//Set up the uart. The '3' tells the uart that it is oversampling the incoming signal by 3.
uart_rx_init(&rx_dev, 3, read_uart_rx_pin, uart_rx_received_data);