Hi, this is my little project for web visualisation and local database management with CRUD. I have used my python, HTML, CSS (mainly bootstrap), Flask module, SQLalchemy and Plolty.
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- build docker image with tag:$version
export APP_VERSION=0.1
docker build --tag firetracker:$APP_VERSION .
- show docker images list
docker images
- run docker image
docker run -d -p 5100:5100 firetracker:$APP_VERSION
- host: localhost port: 5000
- testing username/password: admin/admin
- Replace password with password hash
- align graphs in nice grid form (I was banging my head with aligning with bootstrap)
- Create requirement.txt. Fortunately, pythonanywhere has built-in modules installed, so I did not install or specify and modules.
- Write clean code
- Make sqlite database persistent. ✅
- Refactor login pipeline.
- Refactor database, analysis classes. ✅
- Dockerise app. ✅