What's Changed
- Pre alpha refactoring utests by @codingwithmagga in #1
- Pre alpha item model handler by @codingwithmagga in #2
- Itemproperty editor by @codingwithmagga in #3
- Renderwindow scaling by @codingwithmagga in #4
- Add project settings for width, height and fps by @codingwithmagga in #5
- Setup code coverage report by @codingwithmagga in #7
- Set specific svg folder by @codingwithmagga in #8
- Add video length option by @codingwithmagga in #10
- Update issue templates by @codingwithmagga in #11
- Add megalinter installation by @codingwithmagga in #14
- Add manual trigger for github action by @codingwithmagga in #15
- Update issue templates by @codingwithmagga in #18
- Update issue templates by @codingwithmagga in #21
- Add doc request template by @codingwithmagga in #22
- Update devops issue template by @codingwithmagga in #32
- Update devops issue template by @codingwithmagga in #34
- Properties like opacity and rotation are now rendered correctly by @codingwithmagga in #41
- Change branch structure by @codingwithmagga in #54
- Activate gh action for develop branches by @codingwithmagga in #55
- Fix saving problem, adjusted tests by @codingwithmagga in #56
- Rmeove latexmk package by @codingwithmagga in #59
- Use qint32 instead of int by @codingwithmagga in #58
- Restructure src folder by @codingwithmagga in #62
- Create CONTRIBUTING.md by @codingwithmagga in #63
- Snapshot creation by @codingwithmagga in #61
- Add pull request template by @codingwithmagga in #66
- Fix Multi Render bug by @codingwithmagga in #64
- Restructure of mainwindow and main.qml to GUI, adding mainlogic class by @codingwithmagga in #69
- Add integration/system tests by @codingwithmagga in #70
- [skip ci] Add .clang-format file by @codingwithmagga in #71
- Remove unused files from latex rendering directly by @codingwithmagga in #73
- Add links to help->about and make it looks a bit better by @codingwithmagga in #74
- Add FileDialog for rendering and snapshots by @codingwithmagga in #72
- Apply Material Sytle to App, Replace Popups with Dialogs by @codingwithmagga in #76
- Use configure_file(...) fct for qml test file copy operation by @codingwithmagga in #77
- Cwm issue 78 feature add animations by @codingwithmagga in #82
- [Skip CI] Add read the docs file, otherwise this doesn't seem to work by @codingwithmagga in #79
- Cwm issue 80 refactor other clang format style by @codingwithmagga in #89
- Issue 37 - bug items not clickable after loading by @codingwithmagga in #91
- Cwm issue 90 refactor mvabasicitem as c++ class by @codingwithmagga in #92
- Create a reusable Text Editor, use it in TextItem by @codingwithmagga in #95
- Fixed textitem bug and add test by @codingwithmagga in #98
- Removed vscode folder and add it to gitignore by @codingwithmagga in #99
- Fix unnecessary update warning by @codingwithmagga in #102
- Fix textdialog stlye warning by @codingwithmagga in #103
- Add additional geometry item properties (FilledColor and -opacity, BorderWidth) by @codingwithmagga in #105
- Add current project version to save file by @codingwithmagga in #106
- [skip ci] Update readme file by @codingwithmagga in #107
- Update documentation introduction by @codingwithmagga in #109
- Add small icons for items by @codingwithmagga in #110
- Add default suffix to FileDialogs by @codingwithmagga in #114
- Add project settings to save file and fix bug by @codingwithmagga in #115
- Solve property bug during rendering or saving by @codingwithmagga in #116
- Write first steps documentation by @codingwithmagga in #117
- Write user guide section in docs by @codingwithmagga in #118
- Improve Code Coverage by @codingwithmagga in #119
- Add option for background color change by @codingwithmagga in #133
- Scale border width and replace project size property by @codingwithmagga in #134
- Turn off doxygen warnings by @codingwithmagga in #135
- Write developer documentation by @codingwithmagga in #136
- Cwm issue 33 devops create a release workflow file by @codingwithmagga in #138
- Merge final 0.0.1 alpha version into master by @codingwithmagga in #139
New Contributors
- @codingwithmagga made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: https://github.com/codingwithmagga/mathvizanimator/commits/v0.0.1