This repository is for in Scala implemented stuff to extend the .
Search for your Scala version on Maven Central. We support 2.10.x, 2.11.x and milestones of 2.12.
libraryDependencies += "com.commercetools.sdk.jvm.scala-add-ons" %% "commercetools-scala-client" % "version"
The Scala client wraps a SphereClient
and can return Scala's Future
object Demo {
def demoWithScalaClient(sphereClient: SphereClient): Unit = {
//the client can be created by the apply method
//of the ScalaSphereClient companion object
val scalaSphereClient: ScalaSphereClient = ScalaSphereClient(sphereClient)
//using the ScalaSphereClient instance apply method returns a Scala Future
import scala.concurrent.Future
val future: Future[PagedSearchResult[ProductProjection]] =
val future2: Future[PagedSearchResult[ProductProjection]] =
//same as above with explicit apply method call
//using the execute method returns a CompletionStage
val completionStage: CompletionStage[PagedSearchResult[ProductProjection]] =
//the ScalaSphereClient can be used in every SphereClient context
val upcasted: SphereClient = scalaSphereClient
libraryDependencies += "com.commercetools.sdk.jvm.scala-add-ons" %% "commercetools-scala-models" % "version"
Old Scala versions do not support Java 8 lambdas which are an important part in the commercetools JVM SDK. This module provides implicit conversions to support Scala lambdas.
import io.sphere.sdk.queries.Implicits._
val query = ProductProjectionQuery.ofStaged
val queryById = query.withPredicatesScala("foo"))
val sortById = query.withSortScala(
val expandedQuery = query.plusExpansionPathsScala(_.productType)