GPU and CPU miner for mining SEN. This miner runs in a command prompt and prints your hashrate along side the number of blocks you've mined. Most cards will see greatly increased hashrates by increasing the value of 'I' (default is 16, optimal is typically 20-25). Be careful with adjusting this parameter as it may crash the miner, or freeze the output. All available OpenCL-capable devices are detected and used in parallel.
sudo apt-get install -y ocl-icd-libopencl1 opencl-headers clinfo libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
# Check OpenCL platforms
Install NVIDIA drivers first, using the guide here:
E.g. at the time of writing, these are the steps that worked (double check the version strings when you run this, in case there's a newer version available),
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y linux-aws
sudo reboot
sudo apt-get install -y gcc make linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# select all default options
sudo /bin/sh ./
sudo reboot
# check driver config
nvidia-smi -q | head
Optionally, follow these optimization steps. Here's what worked at the time of writing,
nvidia-smi --auto-boost-default=0
nvidia-smi -ac 2505,875
# You might also be interested in seeing what the current clock speeds are set to:
nvidia-smi -q -i 0 -d CLOCK
OpenCL should already be installed. Nothing to do.
- Drivers for your GPU
Binaries for MacOS and Linux are available in the corresponding releases.
This build procedure expects the host to be using NVIDIA GPUs to run w/ GPU support (via the NVIDIA Container Runtime for Docker). If this is doesn't meet the constraints for your system (e.x. you're running an AMD GPU) you don't have to use docker to build source.
- Docker (install instructions)
- NVIDIA GPU drivers on host machine (e.x. how to install on Amazon EC2 instances)
git clone [email protected]:consensus-ai/sentient-miner.git
cd sentient-miner
docker build . -t sentient-miner
# To run built binary
docker run -it --rm --runtime=nvidia sentient-miner \
/home/appuser/go/bin/sentient-miner \
-url stratum+tcp:// \
-user 269409be5afc296549bbf5f0831e31d50ef3510b82cde37194af5867fc8f084292576e8dad85.julian
For development I like to run,
docker run -it --rm --runtime=nvidia sentient-miner \
-v ../sentient-miner:/home/appuser/go/src/,z \
Then, once in the container, use make
# To compile dependencies (only need to do if dependencies change)
make dependencies
# To compile project source
make dev
# make release
# To run built binary
$GOPATH/bin/sentient-miner \
-url stratum+tcp:// \
-user 269409be5afc296549bbf5f0831e31d50ef3510b82cde37194af5867fc8f084292576e8dad85.julian
- go version manager (gvm project page)
- go version 1.4.2 or above (I like to manage my go versions with gvm)
- glide package manager (install instructions)
- gcc and make (via build-essential on Ubuntu, and Xcode command line tools on Mac)
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
on Ubuntu
# If using gvm
gvm install go1.11 --prefer-binary
gvm use go1.11
mkdir ~/src
git clone [email protected]:consensus-ai/sentient-miner.git ~/src/sentient-miner
mkdir -p src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
ln -s ~/src/sentient-miner .
cd $GOPATH/src/
# To compile dependencies (only need to do if dependencies change)
make dependencies
# To compile project source
# make dev
make release
# To run built binary
sentient-miner --help
Usage of sentient-miner:
-E string
Exclude GPU's: comma separated list of device numbers
-I int
Intensity (default 16)
If set, don't use the CPU for mining. Uses all devices by default
-url stratum+tcp://<host>:<port>
daemon or server host and port, for stratum servers, use stratum+tcp://<host>:<port> (default "localhost:9910")
-user string
username, most stratum servers take this in the form [payoutaddress].[rigname] (default "payoutaddress.rigname")
-v Show version and exit
See what intensity gives you the best hashrate, increasing the intensity also increases the stale rate though.
From your host machine,
gvm use go1.11 # If you're using GVM
cd $GOPATH/src/
./ $(pwd)/private.pem $(pwd)/public.pem <platform> <architecture> <version-number>
# E.x. ./ $(pwd)/private.pem $(pwd)/public.pem darwin amd64 1.0
Or through docker (e.x. to build Linux binary or Windows binary from macOS)
docker build -t sentient-miner .
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/:/home/appuser/go/src/ sentient-miner bash
./ $(pwd)/private.pem $(pwd)/public.pem <platform> <architecture> <version-number>
# E.x. CC_FOR_TARGET=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ./ $(pwd)/private.pem $(pwd)/public.pem windows amd64 1.0
# Binaries will be on host machine under sentient-miner/release/
Start sentientd with the miner module enabled and start sentient-miner,
sentientd -M cghrtwm
sentient-miner \
-url stratum+tcp:// \
-user 269409be5afc296549bbf5f0831e31d50ef3510b82cde37194af5867fc8f084292576e8dad85.julian
Stratum support is implemented as defined on