is a package for easily creating editors for YAML configuration files.
SettingsWidget provides a Widget for displaying and editing config file fields. You simply list the fields with their config key and the widget type you want for each (line_edit, text_edit, etc.). You can also add a regex for data entry validation. The SettingsWiget and YamlConfig will read the config file, display the fields for editing, and then save the data.
- Easy Front-End Creation: Create a configuration editor with a few lines of code.
- Configurable Layout: Displays settings using the format you provide.
- Input Validation: Validates input based on supplied regular expressions and highlights invalid entries. In the sample above, Tip Amount is highlighted because it contains letters.
- Data Syncing: Synchronizes data values between the UI and the config file, seamlessly using the ConfigFile manager described below.
- Utilizes PyQt6 or PySide6
Supported Widgets
- text_edit - options=regex for validation
- line_edit - options=regex for validation
- read_only - a read-only line_edit
- combo - options=[comboBox items]
- checkbox
- spinbox - floating point spin box. options=[min, max, step, precision]
- slider - options=[min, max]
- label
YamlConfig provides functionality for creating, loading, updating, and saving YAML files using PyYAML.
- Load / Save / Create Provides interfaces to load and save YAML files and to create new YAML files.
- Get / Set Operations: Provides simple key/value access to data fields in the YAML configuration, including scalars (int, float, str, bool, date), lists, and dictionaries. Complex hierarchies are not supported.
- Undo Support: Keeps a snapshot for each save in session and restores from stack.
- Granular Dependency Management: For build system integration, this can be configured to touch a proxy file when a specified field changes, offering more granular dependency tracking for build systems.
To install YMLEditor
Select the install below depending on whether you want to use PyQt6 or PySide6. Both have identical functionality.
pip install YMLEditor[pyqt] # Installs PyQt6, or:
pip install YMLEditor[pyside] # Installs PySide6
Each line in the format corresponds to a field in the config file and contains the following:
ConfigKey: (DisplayName, WidgetType, Options, Width, <style>)
- Config Key: The name of the item in the YAML config file
- Display Name: The name to show in the UI.
- Widget Type: The type of input control (see Supported Widgets above)
- Options: Either a regex pattern for field validation (e.g., line_edit), or options for the widget
- Field Width: Width of the widget.
- Style: (optional) Contains a QT style for the widget. e.g. "color: slategray;"),
formats = {
"layout1": {
"TIP": ("Tip Amount", "line_edit", r'^\d{1,2}$', 50),
"DESSERT": ("Dessert", "combo", ["Tiramisu", "Apple Tart", "Cheesecake"], 200),
"HOME": ("Home", "combo", ["A", "B", "C", "D"], 200),
"SITES.@HOME": ("Preferred", "read_only", None, 180, "color: slategray;"),
"SITES.B": ("Location B", "line_edit", None, 180),
"SITES": ("Sites", "line_edit", None, 500),
"BRIGHT": ("Brightness", "slider", [0, 10], 200),
"EXPERT": ("Expert", "checkbox", None, 200),
"VALUE": ("Value", "spinbox", [-.5, 1.5, .1, 1], 200),
- SITES.@HOME - If '@' is present, that key will be looked up and replace by its contents (SITES.A in this example)
- SITES.B - You can access sub hierarchies by using "." to separate keys (Boston in this example)
- TIP - The regex for Tips highlights entries that aren't 1 or 2 digits.
DESSERT: Apple Tart
TIP: 18
A: Albany
B: Boston
C: Chicago
VALUE: -0.3
Sample.py is provided to demonstrate the capabilities of YMLEditor
with a sample YAML file.
is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
- Only basic YAML syntax is supported:
- Data type specification tags such as !!int, !!float, etc. are ignored
- Anchors and aliases are not supported
- Comments are stripped
To report an issue, please visit the issue tracker.