This package, forked from desihub/desiconda and desihub/desimodules, contains scripts for installing conda and all compiled dependencies needed by the cosmological pipeline.
To setup environment:
source /global/common/software/desi/users/adematti/ main
To add environment as jupyter kernel:
If you would like to install a package "yourpackage" that is not originally in the cosmodesi environment, you can do so in your home following e.g.:
pip install --user yourpackage
or if you have its repository locally, once in the main directory, in editable mode:
pip install --editable .
If you would like to use the personal version of a package that is already installed as a module (listed by "module list") in the cosmodesi environment:
module unload yourpackage
Then install the package in your home as shown above. Note that you will have to unload "yourpackage" everytime you source the environment, so you would better add this function to your .bashrc:
cosmodesienv () { source /global/common/software/desi/users/adematti/ $1 module unload yourpackage }
And call:
cosmodesienv main
Alternatively to "module unload yourpackage" you can just add the path to the local package version at the beginning of your PYTHONPATH after sourcing the cosmodesi environment:
cosmodesienv () { source /global/common/software/desi/users/adematti/ $1 export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/package:$PYTHONPATH }
(you may also need to similarly update PATH, if the installed package has scripts). The above is also the path to follow if you would like to use the personal version of a package that is installed as a standard Python package in the cosmodesi environment.
To install cosmodesiconda and load module:
git clone cd cosmodesiconda export CONF=nersc export DCONDAVERSION=$(date '+%Y%m%d')-1.0.0 export PREFIX=/global/common/software/desi/users/$USER COSMOPREFIX=/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/science/cpe/$USER ./ |& tee install.log module use $PREFIX/$NERSC_HOST/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION/modulefiles module load cosmodesiconda
The installation directory (assuming the installation script was called with $DCONDAVERSION and $PREFIX) will contain directories and files:
$PREFIX/$NERSC_HOST/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION/conda $PREFIX/$NERSC_HOST/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION/aux $PREFIX/$NERSC_HOST/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION/modulefiles/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION $PREFIX/$NERSC_HOST/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION/modulefiles/cosmodesiconda/.version_$DCONDAVERSION
To install a suite of pyrecon, pycorr, etc. packages:
cd cosmodesimodules ./ main
Packages are installed in:
To install convenient loading scripts "" do:
Imagine you wanted to install a set of dependencies for DESI software on a cluster (rather than manually getting all the dependencies in place). You plan on installing desiconda in your home directory ($HOME/software/desi) with the custom string "my-desiconda" associated with your installation.
Git-clone cosmodesiconda following:
git clone /path-to-git-clone/cosmodesiconda
Put all the customizations in the "conf/" file (based on the existing conf/
The "" script, in the top-level directory, will create the environment and install the dependencies and module files. When you run this script, it will download many MB of binary and source packages, extract files, and compile things. It will do this in your current working directory. Also the output will be very long, so pipe it to a log file:
cd /path-to-git-clone/cosmodesiconda export CONF=myenv export DCONDAVERSION=my-desiconda export PREFIX=$HOME/software/desi ./ |& tee install.log
If everything worked, then you can see your new desiconda install with:
module use $PREFIX/cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION/modulefiles module avail cosmodesiconda
And you can load it with:
module load cosmodesiconda/$DCONDAVERSION
To install a suite of pyrecon, pycorr, etc. packages (and the corresponding module files):
cd cosmodesimodules ./ main
Packages are installed in:
NB: You can edit the list of modules to be installed in "cosmodesimodules/pkg_list.txt" and create new environment versions (other than "main") in "cosmodesimodules/versions". If some modules failed to install, and you do not need them, you can comment them out from the list in:
To install convenient loading scripts "" and "" do:
Then, to setup environment:
source $PREFIX/ main
To add environment as jupyter kernel:
The current recommended way is to install Modules, see: And follow the section above "cosmodesiconda on your cluster". You can use the configuration file "conf/", i.e.:
export CONF=pc
To update already-installed modules, in "cosmodesimodules", you can create a file like "pkg_list.txt" containing the packages to be updated and call it "update_pkg_list.txt". Then run: