This action searches a directory for CourseKata book configuration YAML files.
In each search path, any file matching *.book.yaml
is considered. For each
book configuration file found, the YAML is validated and then the contents of
the YAML are validated against the book configuration specification. That
specification is detailed below in
Valid Book Configuration
- uses: coursekata/validate-course-config@v2
# The globs to use to build search paths. Use a newline to separate each glob.
# Optional. Default is '.'
include: '.'
# Indicates whether to follow symbolic links when searching with the globs.
# Optional. Default is true
follow-symbolic-links: true
name | description | example |
errors |
A stringified JSON array of the errors. Each item is an error object with a description of the error, possibly the location (file) it occurred in, and possibly a suggestion for how to fix it. |
'{"description": "Missing required property 'name'", "location": "path/to/file", "suggestion": "Add a top-level 'name' property."}' |
# Book name.
# Required. Supports book variable replacement.
name: 'Book Name'
# Book description.
# Required.
description: 'Book description'
# The position of the book in the list of books for the course version. The sort goes by sort order
# first and then by name.
# Required. Must be an integer.
sortOrder: 1
# Custom defined book string variables.
# Optional.
var: 'ABC'
# List of book chapters.
# Required.
- # Chapter name.
# Required. Supports chapter variable replacement.
name: 'Chapter Name'
# Custom defined chapter string variables.
# Optional.
number: '1'
# List of chapter pages.
# Required.
- # Page name.
# Required. Supports chapter/page variable replacement.
name: 'Page Name'
# Short name that would appear on reports.
# Required. Supports chapter/page variable replacement.
shortName: 'Short Name'
# The markdown file location.
# Required.
file: 'path/to/'
# Indicates if the page is required to continue. If true, the student won’t be able to
# continue until the page is completed. If omitted, it is assumed that it is not required.
# This validation is only checked for real classes.
# Optional. Default is false.
required: false
# Customization of the My CourseKata dashboard.
# Optional. If not included, default values are assumed.
# The name that will appear as the link on the LMS page.
# Required if the above `dashboard` key is included. Default is "My Progress + Jupyter".
name: 'My Progress + Jupyter'
# List of tabs that should be shown in the dashboard.
# Required if the above `dashboard` key is included. At least one value should be included.
# Indicates if the Class tab should be present. This also controls the My Progress tab for students.
- class
# Indicates if the Students tab should be present.
- students
# Indicates if the Jupyter tab should be present.
- jupyter
# List of tools to be included on the book.
# Optional. Default is none.
# Include as a sidebar tool.
- hypothesis
name: 'Sample Book - {{ book.var }}'
description: Sample book's description
sortOrder: 1
var: 'ABC'
- name: 'Chapter {{ chapter.number }}. Introduction!'
number: '1'
- name: '{{ page.number }} Welcome to Statistics'
shortName: 'Page {{ page.number }}'
file: 'chapter-01/'
number: '1.0'
- name: '{{ page.number }} What Is Understanding?'
shortName: 'Page {{ page.number }}'
number: '1.1'
file: 'chapter-01/'
required: true
- name: 'Chapter 2. Understanding Data'
- name: 'Understanding Data'
shortName: Page 2.0
file: 'chapter-02/'
name: 'My Progress + Jupyter'
- class
- students
- jupyter
- hypothesis
As part of the course build, there are a series of content validations that are run before persisting the changes. The current validations that are checked with this Action are described below, however, they are all checked again during the build process along with other more fine-grained errors. The checks here are just to prevent problems from being committed to the repositories.
- At least one
file must be present. - Book file must be a valid YAML.
- Book
must be present. - Book
must not be repeated in the same course version. - Book
must be present and be a valid integer.
This example will search the root directory of a repository for book configuration files to validate:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Validate the course configuration files
uses: coursekata/validate-course-config@v2
In this example, the errors and warnings are piped into another script using
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Validate the course configuration files
uses: coursekata/validate-course-configl@v2
continue-on-error: true
- name: Use the errors in another step
uses: actions/github-script@v7
ERRORS: ${{ steps.validate-book-yaml.outputs.errors }}
script: |
// assert that there are no errors
const assert_equal = (value) => require("node:assert/strict").deepEqual(value, true)
assert_equal(Object.keys(JSON.parse(process.env['ERRORS'])).length !== 0)