sdk-node-apis-efi-lambda - Fork of the Efí SDK Node.js, with less boilarplate, and to execute on AWS Lambda using serverless platform
axios implementation (inspired by Efí SDK node.js lib )
aws lambda
aws s3 (to store the file certificate)
serverless platform to handle and upload the aws lambda
lambda-api lib to create a small node api under the aws lambda using the event proxy
In serverless.yml Change YOUR_BUCKET to you AWS S3 Bucket Name:
- "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_BUCKET/*"
Add your Efi credencials change certificate-name.p12 by your certificate name
// On efiServices.js change the following parameters:
const options = {
sandbox: false,
client_id: 'your_Client_Id',
client_secret: 'your_Client_Secret',
certificate: '/tmp/certificate-name.p12', // put your certificate name here
// TODO: add your AWS credencials
// don't forget to add the file cert on your own bucket
let params = {
Bucket: 'YOUR_BUCKET_SAME_NAME_IN_serverless.yml', // TODO: CHANGE HERE
Key: fileName
The rest of the efiServices.js file is the normal api flow, like create a Pix charge with amount, expiration and so one.
# dev
$ sls deploy
# tail logs
$ sls logs -f service -t
# prod
$ sls deploy --stage prod --region us-east-1
# tail logs
$ sls logs -f service -t --stage prod --region us-east-1
Get the url returned by serverless / aws lambda Example:
# Add lambda api context (located on handler) and the api path (rest api using lambda-api), here "billing" is the context name, full example: