Pololu's Tic driver for Linux.
First of all, you may be thinking that there are a only one source file. Yes, one file to rull them all!
The good thing about developing test in .py is that you don't have to compile anything, just plug and play
But careful!
You should have the TIC's software installed.
It's a very easy step, I promise ;)
You will need a FTDI converter since the Pololu doesn't have any USB virtual port.
That's why it doesn't appear in any /dev/tty* port
And, that's why I use the TIC's software as basis of this driver.
Yes, there's a file that works without FTDI or magic. It just needs the TIC software mentioned above. Please, install it, a bunch of unicorns will be happier!
Still confused? Type:
and enjoy the magic!
You can also import this file in order to use its functions.
If you run this file directly, the TIC will perform 5 test: 1 turn, 2 turns, 3 turns...
Every test will be recorded in a csv file, saved in a directory for the 12 test, named as test_yyyymmdd_HHMMSS. Easy, right? Just dive inside and you will find each test file named in the same way.
You can also edit this file to include other functionalities. M-A-G-I-C!