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Implementing Restlet Service
This guideline present how to create a new REST service using the RESTLET framework in the CROSSMINER platform.
CROSSMINER project manages REST services with the RESTLET framework.
The usage of Restlet framework has been inherited from the OSSMETER platform. The RESTLET framework is integrated in the platform in a single OSGI plugin :
- org.eclipse.crossmeter.platform.client.api.
The RESTLET framework used an embedded web server. In order to avoid to multiply the number of deployed web servers , we plan to centralize all REST service implementation in the same plug-in.
To register a new RESTLET service, the first step is to define the route (base url which allow to access to this service) and make the link between this route an the implementation of the service.
The routes (Base URL) of services provided by the platform is normalize. Please refer to this guideline to know ho to define the route of the new service : https://github.com/crossminer/crossminer/wiki/Naming-CORSSMINER-REST-Services
The org.crossminer.platform.services
plug-in contained the class PlatformRoute.java
responsible for declaring routes.
package org.crossminer.platform.services;
import org.restlet.Application;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.routing.Router;
public class PlatformRoute extends Application {
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router router = new Router(getContext());
router.attach("/", PingResource.class);
router.attach("/search", SearchProjectResource.class);
router.attach("/projects/p/{projectid}", ProjectResource.class);
router.attach("/raw/metrics", RawMetricListResource.class);
return router;
Route Example :
router.attach("/raw/metrics", RawMetricListResource.class);
- "/raw/metrics": Represent the route URL.
- "RawMetricListResource.class" : Represent the class where the service to be implemented for this path.
A route can contained some parameters. In this case, parameters are identified by a name with curly brackets {}
A service implementation is a Java class which extend the ServerResource class provided by the RESTLET framework. To create a new service create a new Class :
- Named "ServiceName" + Resource. Ex : ProjectCreationResource.java
- On a namespace based on the route. Ex : org.crossminer.platform.services.administration for platform administration services.
- Who extend the org.restlet.resource.ServerResource class.
To implement a service of type GET, create a new method :
- Based on the following signature : public final Representation represent()
- Add the @Get("json") annotation
public final Representation represent() {
// Initialise Response Header
Series<Header> responseHeaders = (Series<Header>) getResponse().getAttributes().get("org.restlet.http.headers");
if (responseHeaders == null) {
responseHeaders = new Series(Header.class);
getResponse().getAttributes().put("org.restlet.http.headers", responseHeaders);
responseHeaders.add(new Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));
responseHeaders.add(new Header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET"));
// Get Route parameter if required {projectid}
String projectId = (String) getRequest().getAttributes().get("projectid");
try {
// Provide Result
return new StringRepresentation(...);
} catch (IOException e) {
StringRepresentation rep = new StringRepresentation("{\"status\":\"error\", \"message\" : \""+e.getMessage()+"\"}");
return rep;
You can also extend the AbstractApiResource , a service class provided by the platform and dedicate to services who request a connection to MongoDb database instead of the ServerResource. In this case you will have to implement the doRepresent() method.
public class RawMetricListResource extends AbstractApiResource {
public Representation doRepresent() {
ObjectNode res = mapper.createObjectNode();
ArrayNode metrics = mapper.createArrayNode();
res.put("metrics", metrics);
return Util.createJsonRepresentation(res);
To implement a service of type POST, crate a new method :
- Based on the following signature : public Representation myServiceName (Representation entity)
- Add the @Post annotation
public Representation myServiceName(Representation entity) {
try {
// Read Json Datas
JsonNode json = mapper.readTree(entity.getText());
// Provide Result
return new StringRepresentation(...);
} catch (IOException e) {
StringRepresentation rep = new StringRepresentation("{\"status\":\"error\", \"message\" : \""+e.getMessage()+"\"}");
return rep;
To do ....
The REST services are the main integration points between platform components or between the platform and external clients. This services are the implementation of a contract between the service provider and his consumers. In order to allow an easy integration, this contract must be documented :
To do ....