Docker container for hosting python Flask/Flask-RESTPlus apps on Raspberry Pi using nginx and uWSGI.
- Only python 2.7 is installed; if you want python 3 you will need to add it.
- nginx is only set up to serve on port 80; if you want SSL (which you should) either drop in a new app.conf nginx config, or run an SSL proxy in front of it.
Image on Docker Hub:
Source on Github:
This image is set up for building on an x86_64 machine or automated building on dockerhub, so it will not build out of the box on a Raspberry Pi! Use these commands to backup the dockerfile and then modify it to build on a Pi:
cp Dockerfile Dockerfile.x86_64
sed -e 's|FROM.*|FROM resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie-20160831|' -e '/cross-build/d' -i Dockerfile
This container is not meaningful on its own; it needs to have your Flask app installed in it. See the example directory for a fully working sample.
To create a container for your Flask app:
Create a
in your application directory with the name of the module and app variable. For instance,
with the Flask instance namedapp
would mean the ini file would contain this:[uwsgi] module = main callable = app
Make sure your application prerequisites are saved in a standard
in your application directory. -
Copy your application directory to a subdirectory of the docker build directory.
Create a Dockerfile to build a container from this one, with your app and requirements:
FROM cseelye/rpi-nginx-uwsgi-flask:latest COPY myappdirectory /app RUN pip install -U -r /app/requirements.txt
Build and run your container, forwarding the container port 80 to wherever you want it on your container host. For instance, to forward to port 8080:
docker build -t myapp . docker run -p 8080:80 myapp
Now if you visit https://hostIP:8080/ in your browser you should see your Flask app.