🔈 A small library to make it easy to send alerts to various platforms.
This library consists of a Python module that will let you send an alert to any or all of:
- HipChat
- Slack
- PagerDuty
- khanacademy.org email lists
- GAE logs and/or syslog
- Graphite/StatsD
- Stackdriver (also known as Google Cloud Monitoring)
- Alerta (alerting aggregator)
You must provide a decrypted secrets.py
(from the webapp repo) to use
these services.
alert = alertlib.Alert("message")
It is good form to specify the severity of the alert, using standard logging constants, e.g.:
alertlib.Alert("out of disk space", severity=logging.CRITICAL)
For example the above would generate an email subject of **CRITICAL ERROR**: out of disk space
and would send to Hipchat (or Slack) with an angry red
See the docstrings for Alert
for the full list of available parameters, such
as rate limiting, etc.
alertlib.Alert("It's time for a walk!") \
.send_to_hipchat("1s and 0s") \
.send_to_slack("#1s-and-0s") \
.send_to_email("dogs-all", cc=["toby","fleetwood"]) \
.send_to_pagerduty(...) \
.send_to_logs(...) \
.send_to_graphite(...) \
.send_to_stackdriver(...) \
To send data to these services, you will need to provide a secrets.py
in the following format:
hostedgraphite_api_key = "VALUE"
slack_alertlib_webhook_url = "VALUE"
asana_api_token = "VALUE"
hipchat_alertlib_token = "VALUE"
google_alertlib_service_account = '{}'
sendgrid_username = "VALUE"
sendgrid_password = "VALUE"
alerta_api_key = "VALUE"
You only need to include the secrets for the services you are using. If you set
the environment variable ALERTLIB_SECRETS_DIR
, alertlib will look for
in that directory, and will exit if it's not found.
Alert messages may contain HTML markup if you set the html=True
parameter on
the Alert.
This option should not be used -- and your message should not contain html -- if you are sending the message to Slack, since Slack uses markdown rather than HTML. If you want to send a message to slack and another destination, use two alerts:
alertlib.Alert("Message for <b>HipChat<b>", html=True).send_to_hipchat(...)
alertlib.Alert("Message for *everywhere*").send_to_slack(...).send_to_email(...)
Note that a safer multi-destination procedure for the long-term is to use simple
markdown formatting (which looks good even as plain text!), and pass an optional
when posting to Slack to enhance the formatting there if you want
to do something really fancy.
There are three primary ways to format Alert messages for Slack.
For the default case, AlertLib will handle message display for you.
The color of the message will be based on the Alert.severity
a1 = alertlib.Alert("""The following dogs completed walks:
- fleetwood
- toby
- fozzie
- jak
- betsy""", summary="Dog walk report", severity=logging.INFO)
a1.send_to_slack("#bot-testing", sender="Dog Walker", icon_emoji=":dog:")
a2 = alertlib.Alert("""The following dogs missed their walks:
- stuart""", summary="Missing dog walk alert", severity=logging.CRITICAL)
a2.send_to_slack("#bot-testing", sender="Dog Walker", icon_emoji=":dog:")
See the docstrings for Alert.send_to_slack()
for a detailed list of available
If simple_message=True
is passed, the message will be passed along to Slack
using simple Markdown formatting, instead of being automatically rendered as the
above default AlertLib style.
alertlib.Alert("It's time for _bread_! *Yummy!*").send_to_slack("#bot-testing",
sender="Bread Alerts", icon_emoji=":bread:", simple_message=True)
See https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting for more on formatting.
If you want full control, if an "attachments" dict list is passed, these will be passed along to Slack to enable very detailed message display parameters.
alertlib.Alert("No one will see this text!").send_to_slack("#bot-testing",
sender="Science Scout", icon_emoji=":microscope:", attachments=[{
"fallback": "New experiment results from Fleetwood - Experiment #123: Canine Cuteness - http://ka.org/xp/123",
"pretext": "New experiment results from Fleetwood",
"title": "Experiment #123: Canine Cuteness",
"title_link": "http://ka.org/xp/123",
"text": "Attempt to verify which dog at Khan Academy is the cutest.",
"thumb_url": "http://i.imgur.com/NRVOtRI.jpg",
"color": "good",
"fields": [{"title": "Project",
"value": "Awesome Project",
"short": True},
{"title": "Environment",
"value": "production",
"short": True}],
Note that when passing attachments to Slack, AlertLib will by default ignore the
, on the assumption that you will be providing your entire UI via
the attachment. This enables you to use a simple message for the Alert and
still chain it to many destinations, but provide a rich interface for the Slack
version! Note you should probably use that simple text version as the fallback
field, which is a mandatory field for Slack attachments which provides support
for plaintext IRC/XMPP/etc clients.
See https://api.slack.com/docs/attachments for more attachment details.
Alertlib supports sending metrics to stackdriver for graphing and monitoring. As
an example: alertlib.Alert('error').send_to_stackdriver('metric.name', 10)
would send a datapoint of 10 to the metric.name
Before using this feature, please ensure that the httplib2
, and google-api-python-client
packages are installed
before use. These packages are only required for users that call
. To install the latest versions of these
packages that are tested with alertlib, run:
pip install httplib2==0.9.2 oauth2client==1.2 google-api-python-client==1.2 pyOpenSSL==16.2.0
Note that these are older versions of these packages, which we are using here because they are the versions currently used by webapp.
To authenticate with google,
follow this doc
to create a Service Account and authorize it appropriately. Include the JSON for
the account in secrets.py
as a multiline string, assigned to
, so that secrets.py
looks like:
google_alertlib_service_account = '''
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "PROJECT_ID",
"private_key_id": "PROJECT_KEY_ID",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
"client_email": "EMAIL",
"client_id": "ID",
"auth_uri": "AUTH_URI",
"token_uri": "TOKEN_URI",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "CERT_URL",
"client_x509_cert_url": "CERT_URL"