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Google compute engine coreos environment

This represents a set of utilities for controlling a CoreOS cluster running on Google compute engine. See "Intented workflow".


The general idea of the system is that multiple clusters can exist, but there is only one compute engine project. For most intends and purposes only one cluster will probably be needed, but the possibility of more than one cluster makes for quite flexible load balancing and failover scenarios.


For convenience a set of bash scripts exists to provide a small wrapper around standard tools. Convenience in this regard is mostly on account of authentication and not having to install these client libraries.

Core concepts

The core of the system is of course the actual hosting of and routing to services. The following sums up how this is handled.

Service discovery

Service discovery within the cluster is handled though a combination of projects:

All of the above play a central role in the setup, their respective project pages serves as a good source of information if one is looking to dive deeper. The following sums up their purpose well enough for continuing here:


Core element of a CoreOS cluster. Provides a distributed key value and takes care of consensus disputes. Is in this project used to hold ip:port endpoints for services


Created by coreos contributors, polls etcd (or Consul) and updates files based on golang templates. For our purposes it listens for new services being registered in etcd and updates the haproxy configuration file.


HAProxy is high performance load balancer. It is created by a linux core contributor and is used by high traffic sites, such as reddit. It's overall great and simple to configure

Services become discoverable by appearing in the etcd cluster, being noticed by confd and gets written to the HAProxy config. The discovery itself can happen on every server in the cluster, as they each run a haproxy and confd process, that listens to the same etcd cluster. This is all wrapped up in a docker container.

Because all servers in the cluster holds all the information, all the servers have to do is register themselves to be discovered. The public facing part of all this is Google compute engine load balancer. This allows for easy DNS handling, and total ephemeral behaviour of cluster nodes as each one can be removed at will.

How the requests can be matched depends on whether they are HTTP or TCP requests.

HTTP services

Are easy to work with because HTTP headers gives a lot of nice information. This mean that we can match on url host and path. So, we can match requests on port 80 and route according to the information within the request.

TCP services

Are a bit more cumbersome due to the absence of headers. This means that we actually only have ports to determine where a requests must go, and, assuming that more than one service is desirable we need to open more

Starting from the top, a service is discoverable when an entry in etcd like the following exists and holds necessary sub directories:

  • /services/{{servicename}}

The necessary subdirectories are:

  • /services/{{servicename}}/scheme
    • Either tcp or http
  • /services/{{servicename}}/hosts/[0..n]
    • where each 0..n holds an entry of ip:port
  • /services/{{servicename}}/host_port
    • This is optional, but very useful for tcp services. If set, the service will be resolvable on some.domain:host_port

It will then be matched by incoming requests on {{servicename}}.some.domain and some.domain/{{servicename}}, regardless of the domain.

Local discovery

A subtle problem in the grand scheme of service discovery is how services can discover their host. This is a prerequisite for doing internal service discovery without going over the public internet. The first obstacle in this is that everything runs in docker containers, meaning that localhost is probably not the localhost you're looking for. Circumventing the localhost issue is easily done with the docker daemon itself, by using the bridge ip flag (--bip), we can ensure that docker containers can always reach the host on the same ip.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker -d --bip= -s=btrfs -r=false -H fd:// --dns --dns

This only gets us half the way, because this only gets us to the HAProxy, but requires us to use url path to hit actual services. This is not possible when for instance pulling from the docker index where url path can be prepended. So, what we want is a DNS solution. As is hinted above with the docker -d command, we can see that we also use the docker host as dns service. This means that we resolve requests through here before looking to the public internet (courtesy of Google DNS in this case). In order for this local resolving to be meaning we have to do some actual resolving on the host, this is handled with dnsmasq, again in a container, resolving all requests to .local to the host address. This means that some registered service, eg. service1, will be resolvable as service1.local and point to the same service as service1.some.public.domain.


Provisioning is two-fold, between new servers and new service instances.


The ./servers folder holds scripts to create, destroy and listing servers. These are all wrappers around gcloud commands, which can be quite lengthy. The real benefit is in the creation of servers, as they provide a reproducible way to instantiate certain types of servers, such as coreos nodes and database servers.


Services are provisioned through CoreOS' fleet. See "Suggested workflow" for how to write service files.

Suggested workflow

Service definitions

Providing a service consists of first making it run, announcing it, and, preferably, monitoring it. It is suggested to follow the guidelines setup by CoreOS for the "Sidekick pattern". This consists of having two serices running, one for the actual service, and one continously announcing the service. This is best done with a combination of etcd ttl value and a eternal while loop with a sleep value that is shorter than the ttl. See section "update process" for naming conventions.

Services, of which more than one instance can exist should use the systemd instance unit format. That is, service definitions include a @ , where everything before the symbol denotes the service name (available as %d within the template) and everything after denotes an instance value (available as %i within the template). The instance value is assumed to be a sequential integer, and is used for uniqueness between service instances.

Update process

Updating services is one of the still fragile parts of this system. It is currently done with approximately 50 lines of bash, defined in cloud-config.yaml. This is the simple way to complete this task, and it should be easy to make a more robust solution. The general idea is that, as with service discovery, each node can handle the update process. It all takes place in fleet, so access to the cluster and a fleetctl is the only prerequisite.

  1. The script takes one argument, a service name, lets call it sname
  2. Looks up how many instances are currently running, lets call it n
  3. Looks up what the highest instance variable is now, lets call it max
  4. Starts n instances of the service with instance values n through max
  5. Waits for them to have status "running"
  6. Attempts to start n units of "sname_presence", which is assumed to be sidekick units, and with instance value n through max.
  7. Kills n units of "sname_presence" with instance values 1 to n
  8. Kills n units of "sname" with instance values 1 to n

Persistent services

CoreOS handles serving certain types of services really well. It does not, however, provide a good way to handle persistent data. This makes it unsuitable to host for instance a database on. The trouble comes from the inherent distributed nature of CoreOS making it unnatural to tie services to servers. For this reason, persistent data services should be kept on a servers outside of CoreOS clusters.


  • Makefile
    • Inits stuff
  • Vagrantfile
    • Used to try out cluster locally
  • cloud-config.yaml
    • This is the entire configuration of CoreOS. Google for tutorials. The project is called "cloud-init"
  • fleetctl
  • gcloud
    • Used to interact with gcloud. On first run creates credentials for the other tools
  • images
    • Holds some docker images used in deployment
  • scp
    • Wrapper to scp stuff (note has severe room for improvement, currently only works for local -> remote)
  • scripts
    • Scripts used mostly for initializing stuff on servers and in containers
  • servers
    • holds scripts to destroy/create servers with different configs
  • ssh
    • Wrapper to ssh into the cluster
    • Variables specific to this project
  • .entry-node
    • Node to enter into the cluster through

Ongoing pain points

  • TCP Routing is really not very graceful, due to the port requirement described above.

  • Update process is a kinda-fragile bash script

  • Unified logging is still not handled.


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