Provides a wrapper around the Amazon Web Service Simple Notification Service.
Add the following repository to your SBT project file:
For SBT 0.11:
resolvers += "liftmodules repository" at ""
For SBT 0.7:
lazy val liftModulesRelease = "liftmodules repository" at ""
Include this dependency:
"net.liftmodules" %% "aws" % "sns" % (liftVersion+"VERSION")
Implement notification handler
def myhandler = { case msg => println("hello %s".format(msg)) } : HandlerFunction
Extends the SNS class supplying configuration parameters and your handler
object Example extends SNS(SNSConfig(creds,arn,path),myhandler)
Required configuration:
creds.access = AWS access key creds.secret = AWS secret key arn = topic arn, this needs to exist already path = the path AWS will post notifications to, its a list, i.e List("my","notifications","here")
In your application's Boot.boot code initalise the service.
Publish notifications
Example ! Publish("my message")