My name's Nguyen Tuan Dat -- studen code : 22024518 -- K67CN14-UET This's a small Game written by me in C++ and library SDL2 :3
- Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the player
- Use the spacebar on your keyboard to shoot enemies
- Shoot all the monsters to win
- Loot gemstones to upgrate hero's ammo
- The player is given three lives before their game is over , losing a minigame causes the player to lose a life
- Players need to dodge enemy bullets and enemies
The root directory contains :
- main.cpp : Runs the start in game_management.cpp.
- common.h : All constant values and variables used across other files.
- game_management.cpp/.h : Have the base game .Continously frees , draws , check collision , ... updates all objects is changed.
- base.cpp/.h : Fundamental classes and functions used throughout my project , includes : Object , GameWindow , Draws image ,...
- Mainobject.cpp/.h : Class for a main_game .Used by move , exp , bullet, animations .
- Threat.cpp/.h and Boss.cpp/.h : Similar to Class Mainobject , but have some others such as monster sprite ,...
- bullet.cpp/.h : The bullets that the main and monsters spawns. Báe class for based projectfiles.
- Gift.cpp/.h : Base class contains gift and events.
- Explosion.cpp/.h : Base class used by explosion or fire.
- Text.cpp/.h : Base class used font for project.
- Based on the body of the 'Phattrienphanmem123az' , I learn and follow by his instructions.
- This is his link http and youtube :
- Besides , I rely on online web documents and All of them are FREE . More than that , thanks to all my friends.
- Everything else : Myself