A simple sitewatcher script written in Python using Pickle. It can be set as a cron job. If any sites are down, then an email is sent to inform someone of it.
Thanks to Mark Sanborn for the inspiration.
Usage: sitemonitor.py [options] url
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --log-response-time Turn on logging for response times
-r, --alert-on-slow-response Turn on alerts for response times
-g, --use-gmail Send email with Gmail. Must also specify username and password
--smtp-hostname=SMTP_HOSTNAME Set the stmp server host.
--smtp-port=SMTP_PORT Set the smtp server port.
-u SMTP_USERNAME, --smtp-username=SMTP_USERNAME Set the smtp username.
-p SMTP_PASSWORD, --smtp-password=SMTP_PASSWORD Set the smtp password.
-s FROM_ADDR, --from-addr=FROM_ADDR Set the from email.
-d TO_ADDRS, --to-addrs=TO_ADDRS List of email addresses to send alerts to.
-f FROM_FILE, --from-file=FROM_FILE Import urls from a text file. Separated by newline.