$ docker run --rm dcm4che/keycloak-gatekeeper:10.0.1 help
keycloak-gatekeeper - is a proxy using the keycloak service for auth and authorization
keycloak-gatekeeper [options]
10.0.1 (git+sha: 691bc4c, built: 08-05-2020)
Keycloak <[email protected]>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--config value path the a configuration file [$PROXY_CONFIG_FILE]
--listen value the interface the service should be listening on [$PROXY_LISTEN]
--listen-http value interface we should be listening [$PROXY_LISTEN_HTTP]
--discovery-url value discovery url to retrieve the openid configuration [$PROXY_DISCOVERY_URL]
--client-id value client id used to authenticate to the oauth service [$PROXY_CLIENT_ID]
--client-secret value client secret used to authenticate to the oauth service [$PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET]
--redirection-url value redirection url for the oauth callback url, defaults to host header is absent [$PROXY_REDIRECTION_URL]
--revocation-url value url for the revocation endpoint to revoke refresh token [$PROXY_REVOCATION_URL]
--skip-openid-provider-tls-verify skip the verification of any TLS communication with the openid provider (default: false)
--openid-provider-proxy value proxy for communication with the openid provider
--openid-provider-timeout value timeout for openid configuration on .well-known/openid-configuration (default: 30s)
--base-uri value common prefix for all URIs [$PROXY_BASE_URI]
--oauth-uri value the uri for proxy oauth endpoints (default: "/oauth") [$PROXY_OAUTH_URI]
--scopes value list of scopes requested when authenticating the user
--upstream-url value url for the upstream endpoint you wish to proxy [$PROXY_UPSTREAM_URL]
--upstream-ca value the path to a file container a CA certificate to validate the upstream tls endpoint
--resources value list of resources 'uri=/admin*|methods=GET,PUT|roles=role1,role2'
--headers value custom headers to the upstream request, key=value
--preserve-host preserve the host header of the proxied request in the upstream request (default: false)
--request-id-header value the http header name for request id (default: "X-Request-ID") [$PROXY_REQUEST_ID_HEADER]
--response-headers value custom headers to added to the http response key=value
--enable-self-signed-tls create self signed certificates for the proxy (default: false) [$PROXY_ENABLE_SELF_SIGNED_TLS]
--self-signed-tls-hostnames value a list of hostnames to place on the self-signed certificate
--self-signed-tls-expiration value the expiration of the certificate before rotation (default: 3h0m0s)
--enable-request-id indicates we should add a request id if none found (default: false) [$PROXY_ENABLE_REQUEST_ID]
--enable-logout-redirect indicates we should redirect to the identity provider for logging out (default: false)
--enable-default-deny enables a default denial on all requests, you have to explicitly say what is permitted (recommended) (default: true)
--enable-encrypted-token enable encryption for the access tokens (default: false)
--force-encrypted-cookie force encryption for the access tokens in cookies (default: false)
--enable-logging enable http logging of the requests (default: false)
--enable-json-logging switch on json logging rather than text (default: false)
--enable-forwarding enables the forwarding proxy mode, signing outbound request (default: false)
--enable-security-filter enables the security filter handler (default: false) [$PROXY_ENABLE_SECURITY_FILTER]
--enable-refresh-tokens enables the handling of the refresh tokens (default: false) [$PROXY_ENABLE_REFRESH_TOKEN]
--enable-session-cookies access and refresh tokens are session only i.e. removed browser close (default: true)
--enable-login-handler enables the handling of the refresh tokens (default: false) [$PROXY_ENABLE_LOGIN_HANDLER]
--enable-token-header enables the token authentication header X-Auth-Token to upstream (default: true)
--enable-authorization-header adds the authorization header to the proxy request (default: true) [$PROXY_ENABLE_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER]
--enable-authorization-cookies adds the authorization cookies to the uptream proxy request (default: true) [$PROXY_ENABLE_AUTHORIZATION_COOKIES]
--enable-https-redirection enable the http to https redirection on the http service (default: false)
--enable-profiling switching on the golang profiling via pprof on /debug/pprof, /debug/pprof/heap etc (default: false)
--enable-metrics enable the prometheus metrics collector on /oauth/metrics (default: false)
--filter-browser-xss enable the adds the X-XSS-Protection header with mode=block (default: false)
--filter-content-nosniff adds the X-Content-Type-Options header with the value nosniff (default: false)
--filter-frame-deny enable to the frame deny header (default: false)
--content-security-policy value specify the content security policy
--localhost-metrics enforces the metrics page can only been requested from (default: false)
--access-token-duration value fallback cookie duration for the access token when using refresh tokens (default: 720h0m0s)
--client-auth-method value the auth method to use with oauth (secret-basic, secret-body) (default: "secret-basic") [$PROXY_CLIENT_AUTH_METHOD]
--cookie-domain value domain the access cookie is available to, defaults host header
--cookie-access-name value name of the cookie use to hold the access token (default: "kc-access")
--cookie-refresh-name value name of the cookie used to hold the encrypted refresh token (default: "kc-state")
--secure-cookie enforces the cookie to be secure (default: true)
--http-only-cookie enforces the cookie is in http only mode (default: true)
--same-site-cookie value enforces cookies to be send only to same site requests according to the policy (can be Strict|Lax|None) (default: "Lax")
--match-claims value keypair values for matching access token claims e.g. aud=myapp, iss=http://example.*
--add-claims value extra claims from the token and inject into headers, e.g given_name -> X-Auth-Given-Name
--tls-cert value path to ths TLS certificate
--tls-private-key value path to the private key for TLS
--tls-ca-certificate value path to the ca certificate used for signing requests
--tls-ca-key value path the ca private key, used by the forward signing proxy
--tls-client-certificate value path to the client certificate for outbound connections in reverse and forwarding proxy modes
--skip-upstream-tls-verify skip the verification of any upstream TLS (default: true)
--cors-origins value origins to add to the CORE origins control (Access-Control-Allow-Origin)
--cors-methods value methods permitted in the access control (Access-Control-Allow-Methods)
--cors-headers value set of headers to add to the CORS access control (Access-Control-Allow-Headers)
--cors-exposed-headers value expose cors headers access control (Access-Control-Expose-Headers)
--cors-credentials credentials access control header (Access-Control-Allow-Credentials) (default: false)
--cors-max-age value max age applied to cors headers (Access-Control-Max-Age) (default: 0s)
--hostnames value list of hostnames the service will respond to
--store-url value url for the storage subsystem, e.g redis://, file:///etc/tokens.file
--encryption-key value encryption key used to encryption the session state [$PROXY_ENCRYPTION_KEY]
--invalid-auth-redirects-with-303 use HTTP 303 redirects instead of 307 for invalid auth tokens (default: false)
--no-redirects do not have back redirects when no authentication is present, 401 them (default: false)
--skip-token-verification TESTING ONLY; bypass token verification, only expiration and roles enforced (default: false)
--upstream-keepalives enables or disables the keepalive connections for upstream endpoint (default: true)
--upstream-timeout value maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect to complete (default: 10s)
--upstream-keepalive-timeout value specifies the keep-alive period for an active network connection (default: 10s)
--upstream-tls-handshake-timeout value the timeout placed on the tls handshake for upstream (default: 10s)
--upstream-response-header-timeout value the timeout placed on the response header for upstream (default: 10s)
--upstream-expect-continue-timeout value the timeout placed on the expect continue for upstream (default: 10s)
--verbose switch on debug / verbose logging (default: false)
--enabled-proxy-protocol enable proxy protocol (default: false)
--max-idle-connections value max idle upstream / keycloak connections to keep alive, ready for reuse (default: 0)
--max-idle-connections-per-host value limits the number of idle connections maintained per host (default: 0)
--server-read-timeout value the server read timeout on the http server (default: 10s)
--server-write-timeout value the server write timeout on the http server (default: 10s)
--server-idle-timeout value the server idle timeout on the http server (default: 2m0s)
--use-letsencrypt use letsencrypt for certificates (default: false)
--letsencrypt-cache-dir value path where cached letsencrypt certificates are stored (default: "./cache/")
--sign-in-page value path to custom template displayed for signin
--forbidden-page value path to custom template used for access forbidden
--tags value keypairs passed to the templates at render,e.g title=Page
--forwarding-username value username to use when logging into the openid provider [$PROXY_FORWARDING_USERNAME]
--forwarding-password value password to use when logging into the openid provider [$PROXY_FORWARDING_PASSWORD]
--forwarding-domains value list of domains which should be signed; everything else is relayed unsigned
--disable-all-logging disables all logging to stdout and stderr (default: false)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
You may add a certificate authority (CA) by
- set environment variable
and - bind mount your certificate in PEM format into
and name it with a.crt
file extension.
$ docker run -e UPDATE_CA_CERTIFICATES=1 -v /path/to/my-ca-cert.pem:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my-ca-cert.crt \
... \
-d dcm4che/keycloak-gatekeeper:9.0.2
You may pass ´/templates/forbidden_page.html.tmpl´ as value of option --forbidden-page
to display an error page
on forbidden access:
$ docker run ... \
-d dcm4che/keycloak-gatekeeper:9.0.2 \
--forbidden-page /templates/forbidden_page.html.tmpl