This repo contains scripts and technical information for assisting in creating the Indiana Parsed Corpus of Historical High German
The file contains sevral stand-alone commands that assist in various data transformations:
To extract single line ptb style treebank from the gold IPCHG treebank file (note: the user must specify the file name for extracted_treebank_name):
python extract-gold 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.txt 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets
This returns 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets
python convert-conlluplus _KoelhoffChronik#(F163#).conllup
This returns _KoelhoffChronik#(F163#).conllup.brackets
ATTENTION the following issues have been identified in the outputs that need to be manually corrected:
- | is extracted as a stand-alone token and should be removed
- (_ ) is sometimes extracted incorrectly and should be replaced with (_ _)
- (") is sometimes extracted incorrectly and should be replaced with (META ")
- $( should be replaced with $_
Failure to correct any of these issues will not allow the treebank to be read correctly in various applications. Any future issues should be noted and added to the list.
To check how many subword tokens exist in a sentence in a ptb treebank (note: the user must specify the tokenizer (e.g.,dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased) :
python wordpiece-512check 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased
This prints out to the screen the sentence number (i.e., line number), the length of the sentence based on subword tokens, the text setence, and the tree for all all sentences that are >512 subword units in length.
Many parsers need a vritual root attached to the top of the tree, but are not annotated with these. To add a vroot to a treebank:
python add-treebank-root 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets
This returns a file: 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2_vroot.brackets
We want to replace the parsed trees with gold POS tags (when available). To replace parsed files with the gold POS tags after parsing:
python replace-pos 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets.parsed
This returns a file: 1533_johann_fierrabras.ver0_2.brackets.parsed_replaced-with-gold-pos
We use treetools ( to extract trees from negra format and resolve their annotation issues, resulting in a single line ptb style trees After downloading and installing treetools, use the following command:
treetools transform UlrichFüetrer.negra UlrichFüetrer.brackets --trans root_attach negra_mark_heads boyd_split raising --src-format export --dest-format brackets --src-enc iso-8859-1 --dest-enc utf8
treetools will do some internal conversions and add a virtual root by default.
ATTENTION note that the following issues have been identified in conversion process in the outputs and need to be manually corrected:
- LRB.RRB should be changed to <.>
- LRB,RRB should be changed to <,>
- LRB:RRB should be changed to <:>
- LRB;RRB should be changed to <;>
- LRB!RRB should be changed to <!>
- LRB.RRB should be changed to <?>
- LRB"RRB should be changed to <">
- ($LRB LRB) should be changed to (, PARENL)
- ($LRB RRB) should be changed to (, PARENR) After replacing those, find LRB and RRB to catch any remaining instances.
Failure to correct any of these issues will not allow the treebank to be read correctly in various applications. Any future issues should be noted and added to the list.
We use C6C ( to extract trees from xml (more specifically coraxmlrefbo) and transform them into conlluplus formats (which we then will subsequently convert later to readable ptb format). The desired xml files should be placed in a directory (here input_directory) and an output directory should be created (here output_directory).
python convert input_directory/ -i coraxmlrefbo -e conlluplus output_directory/
This will convert the xml files to a conlluplus and be named as such (e.g., _KoelhoffChronik#(F163#).conllup) which can subsequently be converted into a ptb format via the above command (see convert-conlluplus).
Currently we use the Berkeley Nueral Parser ( for parsing (and POS tagging). The parser should be cloned (or downloaded). Note that one may be required to separately compile the evaluation scripts in the EVALB and EVALB_SPMRL folders (which require a gcc compiler) for them to be sucessfully executed during training and prediction.