CIS 660 Authoring Tool Project debanshu singh & sanchit garg
Based on - Miles Macklin, Matthias Müller: Position Based Fluids, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013)
Mac OS X (10.10) Houdini 14.0.258 zlib 1.2.8 OpenGL 3.3+ intel tbb 4.3
Open Asset Import Library (libassimp) glm 0.9.3 glfw 3 glew 1.11
- Open paani.xcodeproj
- Choose Product->Build to build Houdini14 plugin named "SOP_Paani.dylib" at project root For Developers - Note that Build has two steps.
- First, it compiles pbf library.
- Second, it compiles the pbf library with the HDK plugin "SOP_Paani.dylib". It needs Houdini's hcustom tool, Mac OS X's clang & libstdc++ to link correctly.
- Once built, make sure to add/copy SOP_Paani.dylib to HOUDINI_DSO_PATH
- You should now be able to use the Paani SOP in Houdini 14.
For some examples of use in Houdini, look at paani_examples.pdf
- obj importer code in Mesh class
- visualcpp/ GLFW window setup code
- Utility Core print functions and math constants (Yining Karl Li) 06.
- houdini render backdrop geometry & sky hdr