Login to the server with the following snippet
$ ssh [email protected]
Create your own directory in the server and clone the git repository
$ mkdir <name of the directory>
$ cd <name of the directory>
$ git clone https://github.com/jaiobs/Repugen.git
Note: Incase you are cloning the repository in the server. The packages are already installed in the server. No need to install it again. Use the requirements.txt as a reference to know what packages are used.
- To deploy the code in web server use start_app.sh.
- Before deploying don't forget to kill the current pipeline with the kill_app.sh.
To Kill the current running web server, move to repugen_vm_azure@RepugenVM:~/Christopher/Repugen and then run the following snippets.
$ cd Christopher/Repugen/ $ chmod u+r+x kill_app.sh $ ./kill_app.sh
- To deploy the code in the web server, move back to your own directory that you have created.
$ chmod u+r+x start_app.sh $ ./start_app.sh
Use postman to hit the API's
Note: To train a larger dataset follow the steps.
- run the train.py file in the console
$ python3 train.py "<path of the dataset>"
- under provide the path where the dataset is present.
- The trained model would be present under upload folder.You could view the trained model using this snippet
$ cd upload
$ ls