Exploring model compression techniques
- Code in pruning_interpretability.ipynb
- Network used: LeNet
- Dataset: Oxford-IIIT Pets
- Interpretability technique examined: SHAP
- Structured pruning applied to convolutional & fully connected layers using
function (available in PyTorch) - Observation: After pruning, SHAP indicates lower confidence in the pixels that are considered 'relevant' for classification. However, upon fine-tuning the pruned network, the interpretability is regained - almost indistinguishable from the original network.
- Code in knowledge_distillation.ipynb
- Teacher network: ResNet18
- Student network: LeNet
- Dataset: CIFAR10
- Using the teacher network's logits in the distillation loss is effective (concluded after replacing teacher network's logits with random predictions)
- The following graph indicates that using MSELoss as a distillation loss is more effective than a KLDivergence loss for a typical image classification task (the various distillation experiments are compared with a vanilla learning rate scheduled training of the student network):