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Hi 👋, I'm Dhairya Pandya

A passionate Software Developer from India

About me

Hi, I'm Dhairya Pandya 👋, a passionate mobile app developer working with iOS and Android 📱 to create intuitive, user-friendly apps. I love learning new technologies 💻, problem-solving 🧩, and regularly tackle challenges on LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks 🔍. I'm also exploring competitive programming ⚔️ and enjoy collaborating with others who share similar interests 🤝. Follow me on Twitter to join my journey! 🌈


  name: "Dhairya Pandya"
  role: "Aspiring Software Engineer"
    - "Published application on Google PlayStore"
    - "Leetcode (1543)"
    - "GFG Coding Score: 531"
    - "Android"
    - "Mobile Application Development"
    - "Python"
    - "Open CV"
    - "C/C++"
    - "Unity 3D"
    degree: "BTech in Computer Science"
    university: "Charusat University"
    CGPA: "8.79/10"
  specialization: "Frontend & Algorithm Development"
  experience: "Hackathon Top Performer"

Blogs posts

Connect with me:

dhairyapandya dhairyapandya05 @dhairyapandya05 dhairya pandya Dhairya#1306

Languages and Tools:

android arduino blender c cplusplus csharp figma firebase flutter git illustrator java kotlin matlab mysql opencv photoshop postman python unity

Profile Statistics:

dhairyapandya05's Stats
<img src="" alt="dhairyapandya05's Top Languages" />

GitHub Streak

GitHub Streak Stats

GitHub Streak

Ashutosh's github activity graph

Note : Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

Pinned Loading

  1. HumanAnatomyUsingAR HumanAnatomyUsingAR Public

    Human Anatomy using AR (Augmented Reality) provides a unique approach to learning human anatomy by using AR technology to create an immersive experience. With this project, users can visualize and …

    HTML 3

  2. Data-Structures-and-Algorithms Data-Structures-and-Algorithms Public

    Leetcode questions and their answers


  3. Groc-for-me Groc-for-me Public

    Groc for me is an e-commerce android application that provides a facility to customers to order any grocery item and get their vegetables at their doorstep.


  4. Van-Service Van-Service Public

    An application which helps customers to commute from home to college campus and visa versa and brings customer and drivers at one single platform to manage the passengers by their respective drivers.


  5. rulAR rulAR Public


  6. System-Design System-Design Public
