In this challenge we want you to create a tiny app which allows you to search for a city and get back a visualization (time series graph) of the city's temperature forecast for the next 16 days.
You'll need to use React & Redux to solve the challenge. We've provided you with boilerplate code so that can dive straight into the coding without worriying about the setup.
Use the OpenWeatherMap API to get the temperature forecast.
As for the time series graph, you can use whatever visualization library you prefer.
git clone
npm install
npm run dev /* Runs webpack dev server and live reloading */
npm run start /* Runs webpack in production mode with optimizations */
├── src
│ ├── index.js // Renders everything
│ ├── App.jsx // Main component
│ ├── store.js // Redux store generator
│ ├── components // Pretty much explains itself
│ ├── actions // Dispatch executers
│ ├── reducers // Redux Reducers
│ ├── graphic // graphical elements
├── dist // Compiled files goes here
├── package.json
├── .babelrc
├── .eslintrc
├── webpack.common.js
└── .gitignore
- Webpack
- Babel (env, react and stage-0)
- React
- Redux
- Styled Components
- ESlint