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MQTT Message Display with Word Wrapping on Presto Display

This repository contains Python code designed to display messages received via MQTT on a Beta Presto Display. It includes a feature to word-wrap messages, ensuring text stays within the screen boundaries.

Presto MQTT Display


  • MQTT Integration: Subscribes to an MQTT topic and displays received messages on the screen. Sample MQTT details included for texting, messgaes include the Time (UK), Weather from a personal weather station, a news feed and earthquake details. Edit for your own feed.
  • Word Wrapping: Automatically wraps text to fit within the display width.
  • Customizable Display: Messages are shown in white text on a black background.
  • Message Timing: Ensures each message is displayed for at least 20 seconds.


  • Hardware:
    • Presto Display
    • Microcontroller compatible with Presto Display (e.g., Raspberry Pi Pico W)
  • Software:
    • MicroPython firmware
    • umqtt.simple library for MQTT communication


  1. Clone or download this repository:

    git clone

    Or download the ZIP file directly from GitHub.

  2. Upload the files to your device using a tool like Thonny, ampy, or rshell.

  3. Customize the MQTT broker, port, and topic in the code (our example code points to our own broker with messages displayed every 3 minutes).

    BROKER = "your-mqtt-broker-address"
    PORT = 1883  # Port number
    TOPIC = b"your/topic/#"  # MQTT topic
  4. Run the code on your device.


  1. Connect your device to Wi-Fi. Ensure the Presto Display is properly connected and configured.
  2. The device will connect to the specified MQTT broker and subscribe to the defined topic.
  3. Incoming messages will be displayed on the screen for 20 seconds each. Text will be word-wrapped if it exceeds the display width.


Below is an example of the output for a message that is too long to fit on one line:

Hello world this is
a long message that
wraps nicely!

Code Highlights

The key feature of this repository is the draw() function, which handles word wrapping and rendering messages on the Presto Display:

def draw():
    global message_string

    # Clear the screen with a black background
    display.set_pen(display.create_pen(0, 0, 0))  # Black background

    # Display the message
    display.set_pen(display.create_pen(255, 255, 255))  # White text
    x = 10
    y = 35
    line_space = 20
    margin = 10

    # Word wrapping logic
    words = message_string.split()  # Split the message into words
    current_line = ""  # Start with an empty line

    for word in words:
        test_line = current_line + (word + " ")
        line_width = display.measure_text(test_line)

        if line_width > WIDTH - margin:
            display.text(current_line.strip(), x, y, WIDTH)
            y += line_space
            current_line = word + " "  # Start a new line with the current word
            current_line = test_line

    if current_line:
        display.text(current_line.strip(), x, y, WIDTH)



Feel free to fork the repository, open issues, or submit pull requests to improve functionality or add features.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


MQTT Display for the Pimoroni Presto






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