- Kill the roscore and RVIZ in the background, if any. run: fg , then hit CRTL+C
- Start up the RVIZ to view the URDF version of the model. run: roslaunch <package_name> <launch_file>.launch
- To open RVIZ with the XACRO version of the model. run: roslaunch <package_name> <launch_file>.launch use_xacro:=true
- Install the joint_state_publisher_gui package. run: sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-joint-state-publisher-gui
- Re-configure ROS, after installing the package. Then, restart the roscore.
- Run RVIZ with the XACRO version of the model. run: roslaunch <package_name> <launch_file>.launch use_xacro:=true &
- Run the joint_state_publisher_gui. run: rosrun joint_state_publisher_gui joint_state_publisher_gui &