MyCVS uses the same code for server and CLI client
CLI Client Installation:
- git clone mycvs into folder of your choise
- add folder where you cloned to the PATH:
- CentOS/RHEL/Fedora -> echo "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/mysvs/folder" >> ~/.bash_profile
- Debian/Ubuntu -> echo "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/mysvs/folder" >> ~/.bashrc
Server Installation:
- same as client but at the end issue " server start"
- You'll be asked to create admin user if not exists already
- same as client but at the end issue " server start"
Bash completion for Server/Client:
- Added bash completion to most of mycvs commands Just copy mycvs_completion to /etc/bash_completion.d folder
- /repo/revision?reponame=<repo_name>&filename=<repo_file_path>&revision=<rev#>
- /repo/checkout?reponame=<repo_name>&filename=<repo_file_path>&revision=<revision#>
- /repo/revisions?reponame=<repo_name>&filename=<repo_file_path>
- /repo/revision?reponame=<repo_name>&filename=<repo_file_path>
- /repo/timestamp?reponame=<repo_name>&filename=<repo_file_path>&revision=<revision#>
- /repo/filelist?reponame=
- /repo/del?reponame=<repo_name>
- /user/del?username=
- /repo/user/del?reponame=&username=