Functionality : Simple app to manage to dos, it implements the following stories
As a forgetful person
I need to record things I need to do
so that I will never forget them
As a proactive person
I need to see the to dos I haven't yet done
so that I can pick the next one to do
As a successful to do doer
I need to mark a to do as complete
so that I don't see it on my list of unfinished to dos
As a person with demands on my time
I need to prioritise my to dos
so that I don't forget which are most important to do
Technologies : Angular Html and CSS on front end and it uses rest services hosted in jersey server. Data within Rest service is stored in memory
Steps to Run the application
- build application locally with maven
- Copy todo.war file to web server (I used tomcat 8)
- open url http://localhost:8080/todo/ in browser