Various python tools for use with the DiPP Publishing Platform
- Creation of OpenURLs
- Validation of URNs
- Indentation and prettyprinting of XML strings
The module is installed by running:
$ easy_install -f -U
The command adds the module to your site-package directory and installs a commandline program.
This package depends on lxml, which needs libxml2 (2.7.8) and libxslt (1.1.26 or 1.1.26) to compile.
The command urnvalidator
can be used to check the validity of an URN:
$ urnvalidator -h
usage: urnvalidator [-h] [-l] [-n]
check if the URN is registered with the DNB
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --url the objects actual URL
-n, --urn the objects URN
$ urnvalidator -u urn:nbn:de:0009-fdppl-v3-en3
urn:nbn:de:0009-fdppl-v3-en3 registered and valid url