This is a python API client to interact with render and facilitate python scripting of tilespec creation
it presently interacts with render via a web-api, though the client module aims to interface by calling java client scripts to avoid server-side processing.
Render connection objects created with renderapi.connect() can default to environment variables. Below is an example of the variables which can be sourced and added to, e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.
export RENDER_HOST="localhost" export RENDER_PORT="8080" export RENDER_PROJECT="YOURPROJECT" export RENDER_OWNER="YOURNAME" export RENDER_CLIENT_SCRIPTS=".../render/render-ws-java-client/src/main/scripts" export RENDER_CLIENT_SCRIPT="$RENDER_CLIENT_SCRIPTS/" export RENDER_CLIENT_HEAP="1G"
Usage examples for a development Array Tomography workflow are available.