This app lets Geocachers share a record of the caches they've left in the physical world so that others can have have fun finding them! Woohoo!
- Clone the repo, and open two tabs in your terminal
- In the first one, run:
- bundle install
- rake db:migrate
- rake db:seed
- rails s -p 3001
- In the other, run:
- cd client
- npm start
- You're all set! Point your browser at localhost:3000 to play with Geohunter!
- Sign up as a new user
- Create a cache
- Log in and out and in again! Whee!
- Take a look at the users and caches that are already on the site.
- Go to the coordinates! There are totally real caches there!
- Don't actually do that! Yay!
See something on Comedy Connection you think could be improved?
Feel free to fork the app and send us a pull
request. The repo is up at:
Thanks for your help!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Thanks for using Geohunter!