Premon is a resource for Exposing Predicate Models as Linked Data. It builds on OntoLex-Lemon by the Ontology-Lexica Community Group at W3C.
PREMON is released using the Maven paradigm. To install it, just type into the shell:
git clone
cd premon
git checkout -b develop origin/develop
(to use the latest code from thedevelop
branch)mvn clean package -DskipTests -Prelease
cd target
tar xf premon-*-bin.tar.gz #where * refers to the version
cd premon
Now you can start the tool by simply use the ./premonitor
usage: ./premonitor [-b <PATH>] [-D] [-f <FMTS>] [-h] [-i <FOLDER>] [-m] [-p
<FILE>] [-r] [-s <LEMMA>] [-V] [-v] [--wordnet <FILE>]
[--wordnet-sensekeys <FILE>] [-x]
Transform linguistic resources into RDF
-b,--output-base <PATH> Output base path/name (default 'premon')
-D,--verbose enable verbose output
-f,--output-formats <FMTS> Comma-separated list of output formats (default
-h,--help display this help message and terminate
-i,--input <FOLDER> input folder (default .)
-m,--omit-filter-mappings Omit filtering illegal mappings referring to
non-existing conceptualizations (faster)
-p,--properties <FILE> Property file (default
-r,--omit-owl2rl Omit OWL2RL reasoning (faster)
-s,--single <LEMMA> Extract single lemma (apply to all resources)
-V,--very verbose enable very verbose output
-v,--version display version information and terminate
--wordnet <FILE> WordNet RDF triple file (default:
--wordnet-sensekeys <FILE> WordNet senseKey mapping
-x,--omit-stats Omit generation of statistics (faster)
All the options are optional and the default configuration, if option -p
is omitted, is contained in the included file
. In general it suffices to populate the sub-directories under resources
with the data that you want to convert, and then execute ./premonitor
Here is the list of available sub-directories of resources
with the indication of what to place under each of them:
- put here the fileESO_Version2.owl
downloadable from this link in this pageframebase-2.0
- put here the fileFrameBase_schema_core.ttl.gz
downloadable from this link in this page (do not extract)framenet-1.5
- put here the contents of thefndata-1.5
folder in the archive obtainable from this pageframenet-1.6
- put here the contents of thefndata-1.6
folder in the archive obtainable from this pageframenet-1.7
- put here the contents of thefndata-1.7
folder in the archive obtainable from this pagenombank-1.0
- put here the contents of thenombank.1.0.tgz
archive downloadable from this link in this pagepredicatematrix-1.3
- put here the content of thePredicateMatrix.v1.3.tar.gz
archive downloadable from this link in this pagepropbank-1.7
- put here the contents of the `propbank-1.7.tar.gz' archive downloadable from this link in this pagepropbank-2.1.5
- put here the contents of the `v2.1.5.tar.gz' archive downloadable from this link in this pagepropbank-3.1
- put here the contents of the `v3.1.tar.gz' archive downloadable from this link in this pagesemlink-1.2.2c
- put here the content of
archive downloadable from this link in this pageverbnet-3.2
- put here the contents of theverbnet-3.2.tar.gz
archive downloadable from this link in this pagewordnet-3.0
- put here the contents of theWordNet-3.0.tar.gz
archive downloadable from this link in this pagewordnet-3.1
- put here the filewn31.nt.gz
downloadable from this link in this page (do not extract)