An implementation of a constrained reliable multicast algorithm using the Akka framework. For an overview on the design choices and system behavior analysis check out the report provided as a PDF file.
The project has been developed using the Gradle build tool. Folders are structured as followed:
contains code for classes developed for the project; -
contains configuration files used by the Akka system to set up Akka actors. We provide 6 actors with the naming conventionp<num-actor>.conf
, wherenum-conf
is a number between 1 and 6. The group manager has a different name,
.It also contains json files used to define scenarios the system has to deal with;
contains a single test file used to check the behavior of theMessage
The system has been implemented as a set of independent Akka networking actors. Each actor has to be created in a separate Gradle session, as follows:
# in the project root directory
gradle run -Dconfig=<actor.conf>
Note the the group manager gm.conf
should be the first
actor to be initialised.
JSON files defined in ./src/main/resources
state the
set of events and actions actors in the system have to
In this context we consider a participant to be in two possible conditions:
- automatic mode: the actor starts and as it installs the first view it starts sending multicasts continuously. This is the behavior as requested by the project specification
- manual mode: the actor sends multicasts only when requested.
The system plans the system execution dividing it into steps.
Within a step the actor can be asked to send a multicast, to revive
or to crash according to an action triggered by an event. An event
is given as a message label made by the process id sending the message
followed by the message id the process just sent i.e.
According to this, we provide two different kind of scenario files. Scenarios in which actors performed in automatic mode are named with a trailing a in the filename, e.g. test1a.json. These files contain just the events used to trigger participants actions, without scheduling neither their multicast behavior nor their revive operations.
We note that these files are given with a corresponding readme file describing how the system should behave in the given scenario.
Other scenario files let the system execution be in manual mode. This mode allows the system to run at a slower pace, allowing a fine grained control over the system execution.
To start a participant, whose execution has to behave according
to a given scenario, the -Djson
option is used:
# in the project root directory
gradle run -Dconfig=<actor.conf> -Djson=<testX.json>
We note that to follow a given scenario all participants should be initialized with the same scenario file.
A shell file is provided to build a graph on the
system execution. In order for the script to
generate a graph the mscgen
program and the R
programming language interpreter are needed.
Mscgen can be install via aptitude issuing:
apt-get install mscgen
A version provided by the homebrew package distributor is known to be available, but it has not been tested.
To generate the execution graph, logs printed in actor
consoles are required to be collected and saved into
a file named tmp.log
Once the file is created the shell script
be issued with sh
, the graph file will be
saved as sequence.png
The figure depicts partly an example of the system execution.