Spellchecker9000 is a simple, yet powerful spell checking tool that uses a dictionary to verify the spelling of words in a text file.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dmccloud/spellchecker9000.git
- Navigate into the project directory:
cd spellchecker9000
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
(Assuming Node.js and npm are already installed on your system)
to run the spellchecker, use the following command:
./spellchecker9000.ts <path-to-dicitonary-file> <path-to-text-file>
./spellchecker9000.ts dictionary.txt text.txt
(assuming the dictionary file is named dictionary.txt
and the text file is named text.txt
and both files are in the same directory as the spellchecker9000.ts