WMCore 1.5.4 central services production release
Thin central production release providing mostly WMAgent-related changes.
This release brings in the ability to create and submit GPU jobs.
Release date: 5 October 2021.
Changes since release: 1.5.3.
Central services
Software stack
- Oracle client version 19.11
Features and/or feature changes
Bug Fixes
- [ReqMgr2/Tier0] PhysicsSkim issue (Jhonatan Amado) #10809
- Add a step to change rucio instance during deployment. (Todor Ivanov) #10803
Features and/or feature changes
- Propagate GPU requirements to job creation and submission (Alan Malta Rodrigues) #10811
- Provide request type via job classad (Alan Malta Rodrigues) #10821
Bug Fixes
- Skip ErrorHandler cycle if agent configuration fails to be retrieved (Alan Malta Rodrigues) #10817
- Fix python version in subprocess call for inject-test-wfs (Alan Malta Rodrigues) #10847
Python3 related changes
- [py2py3] modernize WMCore_t/REST_t/Api_t.py (Dario Mapelli) #10757