Controller that evicts all pods from target namespaces and optionally stops external resources.
At the moment the following external resources supported:
- ManagedMySQL databases
- Virtual Machines
Install in Kubernetes cluster as standalone deployment and create custom resource:
kind: StandSchedulePolicy
name: test-policy-name
resources: {}
cron: 0 19 * * *
cron: 30 4 * * 1-5
targetNamespaceFilter: ^default$
This schedule will perform cleanup for default namespace every day at 19:00 (UTC) and startup at 4:30 (UTC) in working days.
Also, available kubernetes plugin to perform startup-shutdown actions on demand. You can find the latest release on repository release page.
With plugin, to perform shutdown for existing policy spec, run:
kubectl stand shutdown test-policy-name
Optionally, with wait flag:
kubectl stand shutdown test-policy-name --wait
Plugin will wait until specified policy will be in Completed/Failed status
- For shutdown action, controller will:
- Scale down all deployments and statefulsets to zero replicas
- Create resource quota with zero pods spec
- Deletes all existing pods
- Stops all matching external resources
- For startup action, controller will:
- Starts all matching external resources
- Deletes resource quota
- Scale up all deployments and statefulsets to previous value
To run all kinds of checks and generators please use:
make prepare
- golang
- docker
- kind
make test-unit
make test-integration-setup
make test-integration
To perform cleanup:
make test-inregration-cleanup