Super simple demo app to show off the power of Docker and Fig. The leverages tornado as the web/app server and redis as the key/value storage.
This package can be built directly with docker build
docker build -t redis-demo:latest .
Once built, run the app as a docker container:
docker run --rm --link redis:redis -p "5000:8888" -t redis-demo
The add should be available on port 5000 now.
Note: This uses links to bind to a redis container named "redis" running on the same host. If you don't want to use links, you can pass these two environment variables in the docker run command instead:
REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR=<your redis host>
The app will throw a 500 error (by design) if it cannot reach redis.
You can stand up a self contained environment that includes the app and redis via fig:
git checkout fig
fig up
- Alex Brandt [email protected]
- Ryan Richard [email protected]