This repository contains my attempt to reproduce the first and third figures found in the FiveThirtyEight article Congress Today Is Older Than It's Ever Been.
The data for this article can be found on github, and should be placed in the data
The following command can be used to obtain the file via the command line:
wget -P data
In order to recreate the figures, python 3.11.7 was used with pandas 2.1.4 and matplotlib 3.8.0. The jupyter notebook can be viewed with Jupyter or with an IDE that supports jupyter such as Visual Studio Code with the Jupyter extension. The conda can be used with included environment.yml
to install the required packages along with jupyter notebook.
The following command will create a conda environment with the name bst270-project
conda env create -f environment.yml
Alternatively, another name for the environment can be selected as follows:
conda env create -f environment.yml -n [name]
Activate the conda environment that was created above:
conda activate bst270-project
Creation of the pdf file can be performed with the following command:
jupyter nbconvert code/congress_age.ipynb --to=pdf --output-dir=.